

Welcome to St. Norbert College (SNC).

You will use this site to register for Orientation and to manage your housing applications and placements during your time at St. Norbert College.

For Orientation questions, please contact the Office of Leadership and Student Engagement (LSE) by Phone: 920-403-4023 or Email: lse@snc.edu.

For Housing questions, please contact the Office of Residential Education and Housing (REH) by phone at 920-403-3360 or Email at housing@snc.edu.

Housing applications for Spring Semster and the following academic year will not be available until December 1st.

Please login above using your mySNC login ID and password. This is the login that usually begins with the first 4 letters of of your last name followed by your first and middle initial. (Ex. John Robert Smith = smitjr) The password would be the one that you set up when you activated your account.

If you have not activated your account or need to reset your password, you will need to do that first at: http://snc.edu/pw. If you do not have a social security number, use the last four digits of your ID number when activating your account.